Wie Produktmanager ihre Aufgaben in einem Satz darstellen

Autor on 27. April 2014 in Produktmanagement mit 1 Kommentar

Linkedin  ist ein berufliches Netzwerk mit vielen aktiven Gruppen. So existiert für Produktmanager eine globale Community, in der Produktmanager spannende Themen miteinander diskutieren. Ein Beispiel ist die von Carter Durham an die Kollegen gestellte Frage:

„So what do you do exactly?“ – what is your one-sentence answer as a Product Manager?
Die Resonanz war riesig und zeigt alle Facetten des realen Produktmanager-Leben von General Manager über Strategen, Marktforscher, Technologen, Kümmerer, Marketeer/ Marktmanager, Controller bis hin zum zahnlosen Tiger.

Einen Ausschnitt der Produktmanager-Antworten zeigt die folgende Zusammenstellung:

  •  „I make sure we’re selling the right product(s) for the right price and promote those product(s)“
  •  „The brain of the company, every department have to work in function that the marketing department trace, in order to satisfy the market needs and increase the value of the brand.“
  • „whatever it takes to sell the product that no one else is willing to do.“
  •  „You should be a Champion of the customer, Ambassador of the products, and a Shepard of the financials“
  •  „Come up with creative solutions/software to solve problems for customers, and ensuring that my company makes money doing so“
  •  „I simultaneously maintain an internal AND external product focus.“
  •  „Ultimately accountable that we have a product that customers love and drives value to the company“
  • „we are the control rods in the nuclear reactor of bad ideas“
  • „when it comes to products, it’s all my problem.“
  • „A product manager listens to the market and articulates the market problems in the form of requirements that address the market problems“
  • „I’m the guy who has all the responsibility for what my company’s going to do and none of the authority to actually make it happen.“
  • „I am a translator. I translate customer problems to UX and developers to build right product, translate value of product to marketing, sales and customers to be positioned and used correctly.“
  • „I define “north” for our solutions, aligning vision and execution with market opportunity.“
  • “ I’ve described my role as being the GM of my product lines, responsible to drive the strategy, growth and profitability of my business.“
  • “ I pinpoint growth markets, identify user requirements, develop the business plan, and team with engineering to translate those requirements into profitable products.“
  • „I own the product’s strategy, and everything that comes from this and in particular the roadmap.“
  • „I take an idea and work with all of the departments of my company to turn it into as viable, sellable, reliable and profitable product that meets the market needs while planning of the next series of products that will do the same.“
  •  „I figure out the product that needs to be made. – I tell the designers what to make.“
  • „My job is to understand what problems people face and help figure out how technology can solve those problems efficiently and economically.“
  • „a “boss” who have not any real power“
  • „I put grease in the internal mechanics between all services working on ‚my‘ product, so that we are able to sell the most interesting product for the customer „
  • „I make sure what we build meets the needs of our customers and leverages the company’s varied perspectives and expertise.“
  • „Turning ideas into businesses.“
  • „Product Management is the nervous system of an organisation. It connects all other business functions with each other, the market and the customer, and ensures that the right product is delivered on time and to all – requirements (functions, aesthetics and price point).“
  • Launch Products“
  • „Turning Great Ideas into Sell-able Products that Customer Love to Buy“
  • „I make sure the engineers build something customers will spend money on and that the sales people know how to sell it.“

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1 Kommentar

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  1. Florian sagt:

    Eine großartige Umfrage, tolle Antworten. Trotz der mannigfaltigen Aufgaben des PM’s bringen es doch viele auf einen Punkt: Kundenwünsche in Produkte zu übersetzen. Allen PM’s viel Erfolg bei Ihrer Aufgabe!

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